Hi I've taken the plunge and set up a website to share some plant photos and would really like some feedback please. As a complete novice I'd really like to know if anyone shares my interest. Website address www.suebathoplantphotography.com a bit of a mouthful but it says what it is!
The garden here in Locks Heath is taking on its autumn hues but there are still plants that are not flowering thanks to the prolonged wet, chilly winter and spring. Tender Salvias have no buds and by the time they do there'll be frost! Asters are now flowering but some only just, really hoping that frosts will be delayed this year!
The 'Batho Nursery' on the drive is increasing inspire of my efforts to sell some of them at our local country market. Somehow I don't think the 'nursery' will ever be empty! I've also been producing phot cards of some of my pictures and selling them; they appear to be reasonably popular.
Currently fumigating the greenhouse to get rid of the nasties before it's too cold to store its contents outside.
Below are some images from the site and also used for cards, enjoy!
Typed incorrect website address should read www.suebathoplantphotography.com !